We at West Penn Dental Center strive to provide the best care possible to each patient, without rushing through treatment. We try our best to stay on schedule to eliminate waiting times as we feel our patients’ time is valuable. We can only do this if patients respect their appointment time as well.
We ask that all patients confirm their visits when they receive a call or a text from the office. If we are unable to confirm an appointment despite multiple calls and texts or if a patient is too late to their appointment, the time slot may be offered to one of the many other patients who are waiting for an opening. Once confirmed, all patients receive a courtesy reminder one hour before their visits.
We understand that there are some circumstances that are beyond a patient’s control. We ask that patients give at least a 48 business hour notice if an appointment needs to be rescheduled so that we may offer the time slot to another patient. This allows us to offer the time slot to another patient in need. If a patient fails to give 48 business hours notice or does not show up to their appointment, a $50 per scheduled half hour missed appointment fee may be assessed. This policy is made clear in every text message, on physical patient intake forms, posted in our waiting room and on this website. Continued failure to keep scheduled appointments may result in same day only scheduling. In some cases, we may be unable to reschedule and may recommend seeking care at an office that is a better fit for the patient’s schedule.
Why do we have this policy?
Patients that fail to show up to their scheduled appointments take up precious time on the schedule that could otherwise have been used for other patients in need. When a patient cancels an appointment that the doctor or hygienist has specifically set aside without enough time to fill the resulting hole on the schedule, there are still employees that need to be paid, utilities being used, facility fees, etc. All of these overhead expenses are accumulating during the broken appointment time. There is real time, effort and expense that goes into preparation for the scheduled appointment. Verifying insurance status, obtaining and reviewing insurance breakdowns and contacting patients for appointment confirmations takes time and manpower. Our $50 per scheduled half hour cancelation fee simply tries to cover some of the losses that the business incurs when patients do not come to their scheduled appointments or cancel at the last moment. This policy is applied fairly to every patient and every appointment.
This policy is clearly stated in our new patient information packet, at yearly paper-work updates, in confirmation texts, posted here on the website and physically in our waiting room.